What Is Jungle Honey And What Makes It Better?

What Is Jungle Honey And What Makes It Better?

Jungle honey is exactly as the name suggests, honey that comes from the natural jungles of the world. It doesn't seem like an important distinction, but honey produced in these regions are of the highest quality honey you can find. Don't worry, I'll explain why.

Honey is synonymous with words like "natural" and "healthy" in just about every part of the world. In the past this proved to be absolutely true, but in todays age, most "honey" isn't produced like it was before. In fact most honey brands (estimates claim as high as 90%) found in the U.S aren't classified as real honey by international standards.Ā This is due in part by the absence of natural pollen found in store bought honey, and also because these same honeys contain additives that increase the yield of harvests. These additives include rice syrup, corn syrup, water, etc. Because of the lax standards surrounding honey, and even "organic" certifications for honey, big name brands get away with being less than truthful to the consumer.

Another important factor that aids in the quality of Maya Pura is how the honey is actually cultivated. Maya Pura comes directly from the Yucatan jungle, and it is how the bees live that is the reason for the great taste. The weather in southern Mexico is very wet, humid, and most importantly, stable. The temperature rarely exceeds 80-89 degrees daily, and stays that way year round. This provides the bees with a very stable and non-stressful environment to thrive. Compare that with the very distinct and in some cases, harsh weather changes within the U.S. The majority of U.S honey is made in North Dakota which has very frigid winters. Bees are very resilient creatures, but that does not mean they are unaffected by the seasonal changes. Those changes can be observed in the life span of the bees, and also the quality of honey they produce.

The last main factor that might just be the biggest single difference in what makes Maya Pura so much better, is pesticides. Across the world, bees are drenched in different herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, etc. There is plenty of evidence that shows that the lifespan of bees have taken a sharp decline since the introduction of mass pesticide use. This is especially prevalent in the U.S since every major and minor industrial farm uses pesticides and herbicides onĀ all of their crops. The chemicals naturally drift through the air, land water, and soil and can contaminate everything that comes in contact with them. When bees come in contact with these chemicals, it damages their ability to communicate, move, and causes a stress response. If a single bee comes in contact with pesticides and travels back to the hive, that response is magnified. The countries that produce the most amount of honey, also use the most amount of pesticides; China, U.S, Brazil, Argentina, and Ukraine. Pesticides are banned inĀ most southern Mexican states, and more legislation is being passed to completely ban them due to how pesticides harm human health. Thus, the bees who exist within the deep jungles of the Yucatan never come in contact with pesticides - further leading to a stress free and truly "natural" way of production.

Bees, their honey, and the environment they inhabit are all deeply intertwined. Any damage done to the environment around the bees causes a serious impact in the hive. At Maya Honey Traders we love bees, and we love the natural jungle as well. Our jungle honey will always be better for your health, the health of the bees, and the health of the natural world. Not to mention our bees actually feed on nectar from real flowers, but that's an article for another day.


Thank you for reading, I appreciate your interest in honey! If you have any questions please use the contact us form and let us know what's on your mind!

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